The Montreal Council of Women (MCW) has been in operation for over 100 years due to the donation of time, energy and resources of its relentless volunteers who work hard for concrete social change.
The MCW is a vibrant, proactive, council of women reflecting the diversity of society, encouraging informed political decision making and public attitudes for the well-being of society, through education, consultation and cooperation. MCW strives to empower all women to work together towards improving the quality of life for women, families and society through the forum of its membership of autonomous federated societies and individuals. Acting as a catalyst for its members, MCW advocates improvement of social conditions and responds on issues that Canadians face as citizens.
In order to remain sustainable for another 100 years, the MCW is looking for supporters like you!
By donating, you are not only helping to provide support and resources to the MCW, you are also supporting social change that will benefit Canadian women and their families.
- You can also make a donation by e-Transfer, sending it to:
- Or, by mail to:
Montreal Council of Women
P.O. Box 77706
BP St-Mathieu
Montréal, QC
H3H 0A4
You may also wish to become a member - please go to our Membership page for more information.
Your Legacy and Bequest
As a non-profit organization, the Montreal Council of Women relies on donations, gifts and bequests. Leaving a bequest in your will is relatively simple to do. You can leave a percentage of your estate, the residue or a specific cash donation, securities, or property as specified in your will. You may also consider including the Montreal Council of Women in your estate plan by naming the Council as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy or annuities. Any gift or bequest will provide the Montreal Council of Women with assistance to meet our priorities and advance its mandate to improve the status of women, their families and the communities they serve.
Please let us know if you are leaving a legacy to the Montreal Council by communicating with our President at Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
Please note that the MCW is not a registered charity and therefore cannot issue a donation receipt.