All crises have gendered impacts – simply put, they affect women and men, girls and boys in different ways.
Aug 28, 2020
Expert’s take: Four lessons from COVID-19 that should shape policy decisions everywhere
Aug 27, 2020
Covid19 hasn't stopped #MCWAction and Advocacy!
Government Affairs and Advocacy have been busy promoting actions that will enhance the Montreal Council of Women's mission.
Aug 26, 2020
Call to endorse advocacy letter to ratify ILO C-190
Economic hardships and food insecurity have increased dramatically for those faced with unemployment and precarious work. Increased risks for work-related violence form part of these deteriorating socio-economic trends.
May 27, 2020
UN Women raises awareness of the shadow pandemic of violence against women during COVID-19
Public service announcement narrated by Oscar-winning actor highlights increase in domestic violence with call to support women in need
Apr 09, 2020
"Put women and girls at the centre of efforts to recover from COVID-19"
Statement by the UN Secretary-General António Guterres
Mar 26, 2020
Montreal Council of Women Joins Protest at Pornhub (Mindgeek) Headquarters and Demand Accountability
Full article by Linda Monteiro, MCW Editor and Member